Current Tenants


Maintenance Requests

If you have a maintenance request, please call our main office at 706-595-5240 and leave a message with your name, address, contact number, and explanation of the issue and we will do our best to get to it within 24 hrs.

USDA Recertification’s

For recertification for USDA rental properties, tenants are required to verify current income by bringing in 2 or more current check stubs. Failure to comply by the recertification date will result in an increase of rent or possible eviction. (Only applies to USDA properties- Legion Ct. Apts, Freeman St. Apts, Harlem Oak Apts, and Short and Oak St. Apts)

Section 8 Vouchers

Dozier’s does ACCEPT Section 8 vouchers, however, we are a rental company only. Any issues/questions with Section 8 vouchers should be directed to a Housing Authority Office.